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Still Thwackin'

Well, I have got to say that the launch of this Thwack Life Archery Addiction community and all it entails has consumed a great deal of my time, not just in the month since the launch, but for a couple of months prior to that, planning and learning and figuring out how to make it work. I'm still doing that and have finally come to accept that I'll probably always be doing that to some extent. The thing is, the reason I took on this monumental labor of love is my love for actual Thwackin', which has been getting neglected, since we only get so much time in a day.

The past couple of weeks, I have been determined to get to the range more and have managed twice a week, plus some shoot time at ten yards in our side yard. The side yard is not ideal. Of course, we ARE going to be moving in a month and a half or so, and our preference is a house with a yard at least big enough for a 20 yard target setup. If the new neighborhood is right, I've got some solar powered lights that would enable me to Thwack after dark!

That being said, I am still working on improving the Thwack Life experience every day. I'm not any kind of IT professional, so I have to first figure out the logistics of how to do everything I want you all to be able to experience, and then learn how to make that work, which definitely does NOT always happen the first time. SO, without putting up any "Under Construction" signs, just know that the site is always under construction at this point.

The big thing that I am trying to figure out right now, is how to make the member user experience more intuitive with an easy flow to the things you want to do and see and participate in. Simultaneously, I am trying to increase the depth and breadth of content in order to give you more things to do and see and participate in. I want to give you access to tools here that you can use to improve your real life archery experience.

Ideas are always welcome! Please feel free to give us feedback on what you like, what you don't like, and any idea you'd like to see implemented. This is OUR community. Let's make it just that.

Until next time...

Keep on Thwackin'!

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